Why is routine dental check-up needed?
Many people overlook the importance of regular dental checkups in maintaining good oral health. By scheduling routine appointments with your dentist, you can prevent major dental problems such as:
- tooth decay
- bone loss
- periodontal disease
- fractured teeth
- decay
- TMJ disorder.
Our procedure during the routine dental check-up:
- Evaluate your overall oral hygiene and health, and assess any potential risks for gum disease, bone disease, tooth decay,
- Clean your teeth, removing any stains and plaque that may have accumulated.
- Assess your bite and jaw for any potential alignment issues.
- Determine if you need additional fluoride to strengthen your teeth and prevent decay.
- Check for any signs of oral cancer.
- Take dental x-rays or conduct other diagnostic procedures if necessary.
- Evaluate your need for tooth replacement or restoration, such as dentures, bridges, or crowns.